Medicine: A Critical Tipping Point

This expert panel brings together the voices of healthcare professionals who have faced extraordinary challenges—from deregistration and fines to forced resignations—while standing for truth and integrity in medicine.

This discussion sheds light on urgent issues, including vaccine injuries, fertility concerns, censorship, and the suppression of medical voices. Watch now to understand the gravity of the situation and why action is essential.


  1. The covid /sars 2 scamdemic was the biggest hoax, on the human race in medical history. The bio-jab was hardly safe, and not at all effective, the booster shot time bomb jabs will proove in time that this excercise, was not at all about health, rather human de-population, we were scammed by the UN/WHO/ WEF. People that have been paying close attention, have not been deceived, and have been able to find out the truth, about these poisonous bio- jab BIO-WEAPONS, that need to be made illegal, this genocide has to be stopped, the people and organisers, have to be arrested, and tried for war-crimes, at Nuremberg 2, and likewise punished as war criminals, the punishment is obvious, most people know.

    1. Me too. RETIRED RN! Shocked at the psychoterrorism type of fear mongering applied to the populations and 80% swallowed it & still vast majority. When mainstream media is bought & handcuffed, elephant can have free roam. My opinion. Waiting for the shoe to drop & justice prevail.

    1. Yes Janice, as an RN/midwife I’ve been appalled for 4yrs now but what gets me more is the continued silence from most colleagues,friends/family with no analysis at the table …I have memories of late night discussions when people could share their views across a table with data on a chart if need be. All of a sudden we don’t even look at data & research with a sample size>1000 randomized trial {All legit medical personnel know this the standard) Now news papers can spout ‘scientists say’…’‘a study of 56…’ And when The Lancet published meta analysis from 35 countries showing natural antibodies longer lasting we still get government nurses at a midwife conference telling us to give 4 vaccines to pregnant women (sept 2024 Bath UK)That this is the new procedure! Most had left the room or were quiet in submission except me. When I asked about the lancet paper she ran off the stage stating ‘vaccine antibodies are strongest- no more questions’. Can’t make this **** up. Science & medicine is a mockery now with euthanasia bill accepted at such perfect timing. We need mass marches of the aware at this point. NHS100K had a march Jan 22 2022 & mandates dropped by Uk gov next day but then all had had enough as they thought they won so no more marching.

    2. Yes Janice, as an RN/midwife I’ve been appalled for 4yrs now but what gets me more is the continued silence from most colleagues,friends/family with no analysis at the table …I have memories of late night discussions when people could share their views across a table with data on a chart if need be. All of a sudden we don’t even look at data & research with a sample size>1000 randomized trial {All legit medical personnel know this the standard) Now news papers can spout ‘scientists say’…’‘a study of 56…’ And when The Lancet published meta analysis from 35 countries showing natural antibodies longer lasting we still get government nurses at a midwife conference telling us to give 4 vaccines to pregnant women (sept 2024 Bath UK)That this is the new procedure! Most had left the room or were quiet in submission except me. When I asked about the lancet paper she ran off the stage stating ‘vaccine antibodies are strongest- no more questions’. Can’t make this **** up. Science & medicine is a mockery now with euthanasia bill accepted at such perfect timing. We need mass marches of the aware at this point. NHS100K had a march Jan 22 2022 & mandates dropped by Uk gov next day but then all had had enough as they thought they won so no more marching.

  2. As a layperson. I can’t help but recall all memories of being in the doctors surgeries, always with subtley placed branding logos on gold plated pens. Indicative of the recent travelling reps visits. Or well finished annual reports as reading material, memorabilia from past conferences.
    But those days are gone.. The future is AI medicine . A far superior business model. For pharmaceutical corporations….. But what would my intuition know?

  3. Truly worth taking the time to watch and listen. Thank you to all the amazing lighthouse keepers for caring and sharing. We all know the last few years haven’t been at all easy for you standing up for the truth. Best of luck moving forward. Thank you.

  4. I am so grateful that you all stood with us who suffered the stange and inhumane abuse . I was prevented to carry on with my therapy and my profession.
    I think I was the only OT who studied the effect of the rules, the fear mongering,the increased isolation and the mask wearing on my elderly clients. It was an absolute nightmare.
    I am so grateful that I was able to reach out to Ros in regular zoom session to help me recover from the trauma of looking my career.
    I came out stronger and woke up to the madness.

  5. When there is clear research to show that the PCR testing was fraudulent & RATs testing nothing but litmus paper revealing someone is dehydrated… Why do you even acknowledge there ever was COVID-19 …. You have a long way to go to ever restore any belief in the “modern medical system” … 😞

  6. I appreciate all the effort being made to keep this scam in the public conversation – most prefer to simply ‘move on’ as though nothing to see – so warriors like this ‘Team’ are to be congratulated and hopefully given the credit deserved.

  7. The question I would like someone who has knowledge of these things to answer is: How many people would have died in a normal flu year if all these measures had been activated, and how does that compare with the ‘accepted’ covid numbers? I realise that this would be something of an estimate but I do believe that it would be a worthwhile exercise. It might give us some insight into the actual missteps that were taken during that period and who is responsible for them.

    1. A former ED Nurse in a public hospital in Melbourne, emailed me on 8.12.2022 @ 3.19am. She wrote “Back at the start early 2020, we healthcare professionals in the public hospitals were told to stop our usual common practice of testing for flu (Influenza A & B). When questioning administration they told me its because every respiratory symptoms and resources are labelled COVID suspect only. We were so quiet in all EDs due to lockdowns. Most COVID patients were told to go home and rest with treatment similar to Flu like symptoms.”
      I text an ED Nurse in Wollongong Hospital and they confirmed they also stopped testing for Influenza A and B during 2020 and 2021. So the ABS data would have been flawed; as COVID numbers would have been up and Influenza numbers were down.

  8. So hard to get friends and family to take it seriously. Heartbreaking that many are still taking booster shots. Will full blindness or ostrich syndrome?. Will do my best to keep putting the message out. Still seen as a conspiracy theorist. Alarming

  9. There’s a chorus of voices condemning the Covid “vaccine” as not being safe and effective (yawn), but yet a thunderous silence from the jab manufacturers.

    I want to be able to hear their voices too – where are they?

  10. Working as a homeopath in the UK for over 30 had taught me to be cautious of new medical interventions so I declined the experimental vaccine. i am grateful that I had that choice but I was alarmed at the total lack of informed consent and discussion. It was only when I understood the tactics of fear being used in order to overcome natural common sense that I realised how brain washed people had become. The harm that has been done to medicine, doctors and health professionals cannot be erased but I do believe that everything has purpose. Maybe we needed this ‘madness’ in order to recognize how powerful Big Pharma and corporate interests had become. I hope we will look back on the last 4 years and see that it was a ‘wake up’ call. And once enough people start to think logically and rationally again the ‘powers that be’ will have to accept responsibility for the deception they knowingly practiced on ordinary people.

  11. I like all the important summarization of what happened during the covid fiasco.
    I can add a summary in three words:
    I survived covid with my very sharp critical thinking skills.
    And unjabbed.

  12. In 2020 I was 67/68 and with no medical expertise whatsoever but I was very suspicious about what was going on in terms of the lockdowns and the other guidelines. It made no sense to me but nobody I knew, friends , relations etc agreed with me and since then I have kept quiet which is unusual for me.
    I was made to feel that I was a conspiracy theorist and a fool .
    My brother is ten years older than me and I told him that our government does not have our best interests at heart. Shortly after having the vaccine he had a stroke and he now lives in a care home but
    I am fairly sure that he and his family still think his stroke was just an unfortunate event,

    1. Your words are almost identical to my story….nothing made sense back then and I was just asking questions but made to feel like I was the scare mongerer. I am so glad I stuck to my beliefs and didn’t get vacc’d. My husband passed in 2021 from cancer and we had drs and nurses in his ward that “broke the rules” and let us all be with him.

  13. I seem to mirror the view of Rachel Wren-Vipond above. Friends groan when I attempt to suggest the Covid “vaccine” is causing massive harm. Sadly I took 4 shots before discovering the truth. I will continue to try and get the message out, despite being called a conspiracy theorist and having posts taken down. Am sharing this video as much as possible

  14. The Covid “event” was planned over decades and then carried out on a ready and willing population. Planned global depopulation and the manipulation of human dna which will play out over generations to come.

    We are only at the tip of the iceberg.

  15. I work as an IT Manager in a UK General Hospital. We’re about to engage in a program of beefing up our WiFi network. In a similar vain to Covid and the absence of sane conversation about it, there is complete silence regarding the ‘possible’ negative effects that changes to our electro environments are having on humanity. I’ve provided a long, detailed and study supported email to my superiors but have had zero response. If we crank up the power of our WiFi across the hospital then we crank it up in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Premature babies being expected to flourish in an evermore intensive electro soup! None of those people implementing this ‘upgrade’ have the first idea of the physiological impacts of this technology … and none of them seem to want to know! It’s not quite Covid but it’s the same cognitive dissonance at play. In my email I did mention that a basic tenet of a career in medicine was to ‘first do no harm’. Then I suggested that, though we’re just IT, surely, we too have a responsibility to do no harm? As was completely predictable, it’s all fallen on deaf ears. Too few want to take any responsibility and too few have the minerals to speak up.

    I love the mention of wanting to be wrong. In a heated conversation with my somewhat ignorant Brother I was accused of wanting to be able to say ‘I told you so’! I explained in no uncertain terms that he could not be more wrong. I’d have given everything I own to have been wrong and I think that’s probably true of the vast majority of us that saw what was happening.

  16. I feel so angry, and bitter, that I was “cheated” into accepting two AZ Covid vaccinations, and a Pfizer Booster! I truly believed that those we thought had our best interests at heart, could NEVER be complicit in harming us. How wrong I was. How can we EVER trust them again? Their greed for Money and Power is unforgivable. Their disregard for human life is Criminal. God forgive them. I cannot.

  17. I’ll never forget the ndis client I was working for at the time crying her heart out as she was “coerced “ into taking the vax or risk losing care services. She claimed her Parkinson’s became worse immediately after the jab with 24/7 tremoring requiring more heavy medications and sedation. She was distressed to be losing me as an active nightshift carer. I was affected psychologically by this but never offered any support so muddled my own way through. I was whisked off the worksite at midnight on the mandate date & stood down for 3 months without pay by the ndis company I worked for. I lived on a shoestring, ate from my garden & used my hen eggs to survive. I weeded my entire property by hand during lockdown. Even on a tiny island off Queensland things got pretty crazy here and there still remains a little division between those who lord their gp’s & those who do health their own way. I’m in my mid 50’s & work consciously to be a medicine free healthy human. I no longer work in ndis & steer clear of hospitals & drs surgeries as much as I can! Well there was a point when I wasn’t allowed in any of them, nor the local cafe, club, pub etc. It’s crazy to feel like no one remembers or cares about those absurd days. I feel like I’ve come to the right place here! Thanks for listening everyone.

  18. .get those who are accountable for all those atroceties. Meanwhile we got to do some thinking how to improve the health of those who got maimed. Some suggestions
    1. Check with the Dr. Peter McCullough protocol by using Tumeric, Nattokinase and Bromelain
    2. Check’ with Dr . Brian Ardis and his Foreign Cleanse
    3. Use the nicotine patch on a regular scale (7-14-21 mg patch , start low and go higher after one week)
    4. Use intermittent hypoxia training (as done by the top athletes)
    5. Do the cold water plunge each morning- thereafter rest for 30 min
    6. Watch your diet – use whole plant foods, no meat, no vegetable oils, no sugary stuff, instead use coconut oil and clarified butter (feeds your mitochondria)

  19. I am a Canadian RN from British Columbia, who was terminated from my profession along with thousands of others because I did not take or want to give the Covid Vax. We turned to our Union (BCNU) for assistance. Despite being a wealthy union and despite having paid dues for 30+ years they did nothing for the terminated RNs. We had single mothers who had paid for their nursing training in food line-ups! Not to mention all the specialty trainings that we paid for to become the qualified health practitioners we are. We were banned from applying for work for 3 and 1/2 years. In other provinces unvaccinated RNs continued to work or were hired back due to staffing shortages. Now we can return to work but not before our blood is collected!!

  20. Thank you Steve! I find there is not near the discussion, understanding and pushback on this issue as there should be! After having a building biologist elucidate the reality to me in my workspace and then in my home, I have taken the necessary steps to shield my home, but the workplace is so difficult for the millions of employees who have no say or understanding in what they are being exposed to for a majority of their day in the workplace without knowledge or consent! I think of all the teenagers & young adults of reproductive age clerking behind counters with wifi routers & devices inches from their reproductive organs for 8+ hrs/day! I took employment in the health field where there was at least some openmindedness on the subject. I was initially able to secure my employers agreement & promise to maintaining an nnEMF free work environment (utilizing wired technologies only). However, even they eventually capitulated to the sales-pitch of trendiness & image, sold to them as wireless technologies equating to progress & modernization. I was ultimately forced out on false grounds so they would not have to be accountable for their actions. Until emf becomes recognized broadly & exposure levels regulated into workplace health & safety standards, if you are going to truly preserve your health, genetics, and the health of future generations, in this day & age, if you are going to be an employee – you will need to work from home. My best advice to young people is plan from the get-go to not be anyone’s employee, but work for yourself / be your own boss.

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