Dr Rosamond Jones

“Question everything, and if your questions cannot be satisfactorily answered, say NO.”
Profession: Consultant Paediatrician (Retired)
Position: Dr Jones is concerned that despite children not being at any serious risk from Covid–19, parents continued to be under constant pressure from their doctors and schools to get their children vaccinated. Even now, when the vaccines have been withdrawn in the UK for all healthy under 65s, children are still being offered vaccines ‘to protect’ vulnerable family members, even though it is now clear the vaccines don’t prevent catching and passing on the virus.
Dr Rosamond Jones, MBBS(Hons), DObstRCOG, MD, FRCPCH, is based in Slough, UK. She is a retired Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in neonatal intensive care and paediatric HIV. She has served on the Advisory Committee of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and on the Education & Training committee of the RCPCH. An active member for many years in the British Perinatal Trials Group, she was also involved in reviewing NICE guidelines alongside editorial work. Since retiring from the NHS, she has undertaken several tours teaching on SAFE Obstetrics courses in countries in Africa.
When Dr Jones heard the call for doctors to emerge from retirement to help out on the front line during the ‘pandemic’, she contacted the General Medical Council to enquire whether her services would be useful. As children were not affected, she was not needed, so she returned to retirement.
Actions & Outcomes
As time went on, Dr Jones became very concerned over many measures imposed by the Government in the management of the ‘pandemic’, starting with school closures and then masking and medical coercion.
In February 2021, she saw AstraZeneca children’s trial advertised on BBC News. Shocked that there was a vaccination trial in children despite no adult safety data, she wrote to the lead investigator Professor Sir Andrew Pollard. To her surprise, she received an immediate reply, agreeing that there was no safety data for children, hence the study. This is totally contrary to accepted research ethics.
Dr Jones convened a group of health professionals and academics who wrote repeatedly to the UK regulators and senior politicians outlining their concerns over the inadequate safety testing appropriate for a totally new drug to be given to millions of healthy children. She has submitted numerous FOI requests and explores adverse events being reported for children and adolescents on the Yellow Card system – as well as what investigations, if any, are currently taking place regarding known adverse events. As the numbers of reports of myocarditis in children and young people rises, she was particularly concerned recently to discover that children were again being recruited for a trial of the latest Moderna booster. Dr Jones also continues to raise awareness around dangers to pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers, as well as speaking to issues such as whether children are competent to consent to vaccination for themselves – or whether parents should take back control.
Current Status
Dr Jones joined the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) in January 2021 and is one of their spokesmen and writes regularly for them. She is also convenor of the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC). She will be giving evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
Dr Jones continues to monitor and speak out on vaccine safety issues for young people, based on newly emerging safety data.
Why this Lighthouse?
Dr Jones has chosen the Needles Lighthouse, located at the western corner of the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England. Needles Lighthouse protects a busy shipping area, guiding ships away from the Needles Rocks. The island maybe shrouded in sea mist, but the light is always visible.