What brought you together?

This declaration is about raising awareness and letting people know that there has been censorship globally, where many health professionals have been unable to speak out.

In early 2021 the regulator issued a… ‘gag order’ which was basically a diktat to say that anyone who criticised government policy risked disciplinary action. In our case that was severe. It was immediate suspension from practice.

This declaration is about having the freedom of speech to give a different side of the story.


  1. Thank you so much Good Doctors for following your big hearts to speak out and support all the people rather than those untrustworthy Doctors that unlawfully follow the $$$ and blindly complete their unethical work in our current sad society!

  2. So very encouraging thank you for all you do I hope many more start waking up and standing up it is up to all of us, sharing content speaking to neighbours and friends and family, considering comments and helping out even a little can help make a difference if more share.
    A song I sing to myself one I have always liked from many years ago United We Stand by Brotherhood of Man.

  3. Thank you for your courage. Too many of us went along with irrational and unethical mandates without question. It’s our job as health practitioners to test everything we’re told against good common sense logic and scientific evidence- and when the so called “science” seems dubious- we’re the ones who will have to call it out, now and into the future.

  4. I applaud you for this stand. People need to know the truth about the way we are being controlled by ‘big pharma’.

  5. Thank you for doing such a delicate job. I Came to your declaration via Ros her talk with John Campbell. I Myself live in Holland, The Hague. The way you explane that fear causes our brain(frontal cortex) to work very slow or even stop is very clear. Also that well attached people are more suceptible to gouvernment propaganda is also enlighting. Further more the terrible same and cognitive dissonace that occurs to you when you realise that you have not seen what was the real case. Now we have as you sad so eloquently to wake up the baby. Slowly and gently. After two jab’s my wife woke up seeing relatives aroud us getting sicker after the jab, which I did not take out of my gutsfeeling. Our four children (well attached) where so afraid that I might not survive the virus. I agree on your positive messages I and teh world learned so much with out these last 4 years that was not possible. I Now read a book: In Depot. a daily diary from a Jude in Westerborg camp(in Holland) as a pre step to be sen to Auswitz. In this book, That I now read with different Eyes than before covid, hapens exactly the same as we have now experienced in the last four years. You Ros stay away from who or what is driving all this. Some times my feeling is it all a part of nature it self. Nature brought us to where we are now, quite asthonishing what mankind has acheived. May be all this will lead to a new developments. Nature is hard on individuals. So we have many wars and conflicts. Like WWII, 30-50 million people killed but created many new possibilities. Could it be that we began to understand better the forces of nature all be it the hard way? I ask myself. Like the Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677) saw nature himself. So after all for me interesting times to follow how the world will develop from here. And stay vigilant so you your self take action if needed when the harming forces like mandatory vaccinations come too close. In 2021 this came very close to us. So I explored the possibility to emigrate to Sweden. For a large part they succeeded in escaping a large pressure on the meds. The people in Sweden some how where not as frightend as elswere in the world. The most frightend people seemed to be in Asia. Asian people in the Netherland already wearing masks in eurly March 2020. May be that is why more totalitarian regiems are easier to implement in Asian countries. Sory for my English it is bit rusty as being retiered for about 10 years now. Succes on your good work in waking all the outher babies..

  6. To the courageous trio, I fervently extend my gratitude and sincere congratulations for lifting the veil of tyranny and duplicity here in Australia and around the world.

    The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration will be a shining light of integrity into the future.


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